Sunday, December 21, 2008

"The Healer"

If you don't know Jim Weathers, you may have heard of him. Google "Jim Weathers" and will find a long list of accomplishments and accolades. Most people call him a masseure by trade, but he is much much more.

Jim is also a Shiatsu Master, Reflexology Specialist, Motivational Speaker and a Shaman. His business card states that he is a Chronic Pain Specialist.
Throughout the years, his healing touch has been sought after nationally. Most prominently with the golfer's of the PGA which he has been touring with for the past 5 years. He has also worked on NASCAR drivers, UFC fighters and many others.

If you have had the pleasure of being touched by the healing hands of Jim, you know personally that he does so much more than just heal your ailments. He has been blessed with the ability to heal your body as well as your soul. He devotes his life to helping people in any way he can.
Now Jim needs our help....

On December 11, Jim was admitted into the hospital, in pain himself. It took several days of testing but after a very persistent doctor who refused to give up, they operated and removed Jim's gall bladder, finding that it was full of stones. They had hoped that this would relieve his pain, but it didn't.
After more poking and prodding, blood clots were found in Jim's lungs and in his legs. They have kept him hospitalized to monitor the clots and make sure that they don't dislodge and cause a heart attack or stroke. They also found pneumonia in his lungs on top of the blood clots and have started him on blood transfusions.

Unfortuntely, Jim will most likely spend Christmas in the hospital and continues to be in pain. He has his friends and family by his side for support, but we can't provide all the help that he and his family need right now. Jim does not have health insurance and the hospital bills just continue to grow.

The most important thing that we can offer Jim and his family is our love, support and prayers for his recovery. If you are able to help in any other way, please know how much it is appreciated.
Jim has devoted his entire life to helping people and now is our chance to help him.

There will be an account set up to help with Jim's medical expenses through Bank of America - please check back here for updated information for that account.
In the meantime, if you would like to make a donation, please email Kristy at or call (208) 283-6928.

Please check back often for updates on Jim's condition.
We thank you for your kindness, support, prayers and love during this difficult time. We are anxious to get Jim back home and back to what he does best - motivating us all to be better people. Thank you!


  1. Jim is exactly that, A Healer'. I for one have experienced it first hand. With all that Jim has accomplished and the resume he has built, you would never know it because a Healer is not one to Boast but is really "One Who Listens, Pays Attention And performs". Jim and Marie are very special people.
    If anyone from the PGA, UFC, Nascar and People he has touched. Please give a helping hand and your prayers to Jim and Marie because I am positive they would do the same.!
    "the hardest arithmetic to master is that which enables us to count our blessings".

  2. Hi it's Marie here. I just want to thank all of you who have called, text, emailed, and been there for us through this very stressful time. I want to thank "Parker" for this wonderful web site, I would have never thought to do this for someone, you are so smart! Thank you very much for your thoughtfulness, love and support. I would also like to thank Kristy B, Susan B,Jennifer S, Todd S, Pat A, Stephen W, Todd and Jennifer A, Sue R, for all your love and support, I could not get through this day after day without you guys! I would like to thank Lori, Desiree, and girls for coming all the way from California to help take shifts at the hospital and your love and support. Desiree, you just knew what to do, thank you for being so wonderful!Thank you Mom for being there the first day in ICU, I needed your shoulder to cry on and you were my rock. I love you so much! Thank you Kimberly for all the food you brought over to feed everyone, that was so thoughtfull and very much appreciated! Again, thanks to all of you wonderful people who have made this a little easier on our family. I love you all!
